The World of Collecting Cardboard Putz Houses
Welcome, fellow enthusiasts. This new website is dedicated to the collection and preservation of vintage cardboard putz houses - those little light-strand-powered communities that graced millions of homes every Christmas between 1928 and the mid-sixties.
Once I had the dream of cataloging every Japanese cardboard house ever made and then publish them in a "Collectors Guide." At one time I believed that there might be 1000 of them in existence -- but I was wrong. I now have thirty chapters with no end in sight. Since previously undiscovered houses show up all the time, I don't think I'll ever finish this project, but I will die trying.
Initially, this site will focus on supplying items to help you repair your houses. We'll be adding additional replacement parts as the demand increases. Eventually we plan to have links to
- - The history of these little gems,
- - Techniques used by the Japanese to create this cottage industry, and
- - Tips on how to repair your older treasures.
To learn about the products we currently offer to help you repair or build putz houses, please click on the Marketplace line in the left column.
*** To see the current parts catalog, please click here. ***